Friday, January 6, 2012

Start date tomorrow!

Yay - I just got a call from our wonderful PM, Matt, who has informed us that they will begin staking out our lot tomorrow!  Fortunately, we are having really mild weather here in the mid-east (it's like 60 degrees here right now) so they should be able to get a lot (no pun intended, lol) done by next week.  Matt said that by the end of the week, we should have a giant hole in the ground!!!!!!  The timing couldn't be better because I am getting ready to have baby #3 in a week or two and want to see as much progress as possible before I am out of commission for a little while.


  1. As you've seen from my recent post, if the weather permits they can really get a lot of work done in a very short time. Good luck with the next few weeks and baby #3 and you'll be in your new house before you know it!

  2. Thanks! It does seem like we will be moving before we know it! I wish the same for you!
